Inspired by Japanese tales, Yumé narrates the journey of a heroine whose shadow is stolen. An initiatory quest awaits her, filled with mysterious and magical creatures. On stage, a succession of shadow and light interplays plunges us into the protagonist’s dream. Around the dancer, items and garments come to life, masterfully held by four black-clad artists hidden in darkness. Invisible to the naked eye, Japanese tradition names them Kuroko. This art of illusion carries adults and children away to fantastical lands between ocean and mountains, to put, literally, our heads into the clouds.
Little theater brunches On Sunday lunchtime, we offer you a brunch followed by a movie “Le château ambulant”. (Brunch : sold out)
Sorry, there’s no English version of this text. Autour du spectacle Yumé, nous vous proposons une séance de cinéma à l’Ariston : Le Château ambulant de Hayao Miyasaki (2004). La jeune ...
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